

6″ 8tpi Carbide-Tipped Pro Line CT Reciprocating Blade MK 15pk (1)

product code: SBRCTR60815 MK Morse Carbide-Tipped Pro Line CT
Reciprocating Blades. Long life and superior cutting performance in stainless
steel and other tough metals, Outlasts bi-metal reciprocating blades in tough
metals. Less vibration, faster cutting, longer life than traditional bi-metal
reciprocating blades. Fits all standard reciprocating saws. Made in USA


MK Morse
Carbide-Tipped Pro Line CT Reciprocating Blades. Long life and superior
cutting performance in stainless steel and other tough metals, Outlasts
bi-metal reciprocating blades in tough metals. Less vibration, faster
cutting, longer life than traditional bi-metal reciprocating blades. Fits all
standard reciprocating saws. Made in USA

Additional information

Weight 0.318 lbs
Seraphinite AcceleratorOptimized by Seraphinite Accelerator
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