

Muffs MSA 25db Full Brim Helmet Mounted Hearing Protection Gray/Blk Pair (10) Min. (1)

product code: SMEPH9327 MSA SoundControl Gray/Black Cap Earmuffs – Helmet
Mounted Hearing Protection use with MSA Slotted Caps/Full-Brim Hats. Spring
design offers low pressure and a high level of comfort with soft ear cup
material for extended wear. Three distinct wearing positions for ease of use,
Excellent grip makes it easy to adjust the cups, even when wearing gloves. .
Noise Reduction Rate (NRR)25 dB


SoundControl Gray/Black Cap Earmuffs – Helmet Mounted Hearing Protection use
with MSA Slotted Caps/Full-Brim Hats. Spring design offers low pressure and a
high level of comfort with soft ear cup material for extended wear. Three
distinct wearing positions for ease of use, Excellent grip makes it easy to
adjust the cups, even when wearing gloves. . Noise Reduction Rate (NRR)25 dB

Additional information

Weight 0.349 lbs