Hard Hat Brow Pad
natural-color, 100% cotton terry, snaps easily into hard hats to absorb sweat
and provide additional comfort. It is machine washable. 20 Per Polybag, 1000
Per Master Carton
product code: SMHHBP200 Hard Hat Brow Pad natural-color, 100% cotton
terry, snaps easily into hard hats to absorb sweat and provide additional
comfort. It is machine washable. 20 Per Polybag, 1000 Per Master Carton
Hard Hat Brow Pad
natural-color, 100% cotton terry, snaps easily into hard hats to absorb sweat
and provide additional comfort. It is machine washable. 20 Per Polybag, 1000
Per Master Carton
Weight | 0.068 lbs |
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