Aluminum Oxide Roll On Surface Preparation Discs Non-woven material impregnated with abrasive grains for blending, finishing and removal of paint and rust. Blends and smooth's coated abrasive scratch patterns. Easily removes welding or cutting discoloration on stainless steel. Compact backing minimizes work piece scratches, allows for full use of disc material and softer/buffing-like finishing. Use on steel, aluminum, stainless and nonferrous metals. Fine/AO (maroon) wheels ideal for cleaning, blending and finishing stainless steel. 


GPQ Surface Prep Roll On Disc

Aluminum Oxide Roll On Surface
Preparation Discs Non-woven material impregnated with abrasive grains for
blending, finishing and removal of paint and rust. Blends and smooth’s coated
abrasive scratch patterns. Easily removes welding or cutting discoloration on
stainless steel. Compact backing minimizes work piece scratches, allows for
full use of disc material and softer/buffing-like finishing. Use on steel,
aluminum, stainless and nonferrous metals. Fine/AO (maroon) wheels ideal for
cleaning, blending and finishing stainless steel. 

SKUWheel SizeGritArborPrice
GPQSP20MM2"MediumRoll On$1.47
SKUWheel SizeGritArborPrice
GPQSP30GSF3Very FineRoll On$1.61

Additional information

Weight N/A
Wheel Size



Medium, Very Fine


Roll On